German mark

美 [ˈdʒɜːrmən mɑːrk]英 [ˈdʒɜːmən mɑːk]
  • 网络德国马克
German markGerman mark
  1. The purchasing power of the pound has fallen steadily in relation to the German mark .


  2. The banks are clearly hoping that the pound will maintain its current parity with the German mark .


  3. In 1985 the dollar stopped overshooting against the yen and the German mark .


  4. The dollar was officially devalued , and the Japanese yen and German mark were raised in value .


  5. When I was a child , my father gave me an old German Mark and told me that one day he would take me there .


  6. From international experience , the internationalized course of U.S. dollar , German mark and Japanese yen offers enlightenment for internationalization of RMB .


  7. Replacing currencies as famous as the German mark , the Franch franc , and the Italian lira .


  8. Among the Iroquois the final decision had to be unanimous , as was also the case in regard to many decisions of the German mark communities .


  9. Considering the experience of yen and German mark , the next step in the internationalization of RMB is the capital account liberalization , or the free conversion of RMB .


  10. The SNB 's large reserves will increase confidence in the Swiss franc as a hard currency – just as the German mark was supported in the past by the Bundesbank 's foreign exchange and gold reserves .


  11. As a result of all these influences , the Swiss franc is increasingly likely to be held as a proxy for the old German mark in what should constitute one of the foreign exchange market 's ' mega trends ' over the next decade .


  12. Economists agree that the euro is weaker against other major currencies than the German deutsche mark would be .
